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San Martino Bike Arena Half Day Promo

Is it your first time in a Bike Park? Don’t worry we got you!
Every Thursday morning with our Half day Promo package you will have a 4-hours Bike pass for San Martino Bike Arena, a rental downhill bike, helmet and wearable protections and a DH instructor.

Availability: Every Thursday morning from June 20th to September 19th.

Prices: 85€ per person with maximum 5 people.


San Martino Bike Arena Half Day Promo

Is it your first time in a Bike Park? Don’t worry we got you!
Every Thursday morning with our Half day Promo package you will have a 4-hours Bike pass for San Martino Bike Arena, a rental downhill bike, helmet and wearable protections and a DH instructor.

Availability: Every Thursday morning from June 20th to September 19th.

Prices: 85€ per person with maximum 5 people.

Evento Terminato / Event Ended


This e-bike tour has a maximum of 5 participants. In the event of larger groups, please contact Alpe Tognola Booking and Infopoint.
Bookings must be done by 4 pm of the previous day.
In the event of bad weather, notification of change or cancellation will be given out.

You can take advantage of this offer only once in the season. Advance reservations are required.



Helmets are mandatory and we suggest using bike shorts and bringing protections, protective glasses, gloves, k-ways, good gripping soles shoes and a backpack.


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